Dr. Shiva Barikani


Dr. Shiva Barikani graduated with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from New York University. Her path toward dentistry was neither the easiest nor the shortest. While she had always been interested in the health profession, her academic journey began with Industrial Engineering. After completing her undergraduate studies, she realized she desired more human interaction in her career than engineering could offer. This led her to the medical field.

Dr. Shiva started from scratch by taking Biology courses at the University of Calgary followed by pursuit of dentistry at New York University. Following her graduation from NYU, she completed a one-year general practice residency at Brookdale Hospital in 2014. This experience helped develop her hand skills, decision-making abilities, and overall confidence as a dental provider. After finishing the residency program, she returned to Calgary and has been practicing dentistry ever since.

Dr. Shiva places a high priority on preventive dentistry and patient education. She firmly believes in the importance of oral health and its impact on overall well-being. Driven by her passion for all aspects of general dentistry, she continuously seeks to learn and stay up-to-date through continuing education. She is committed to providing the best treatment options for her patients.

Additionally, Dr. Shiva is Invisalign certified and a member of the Kois Center, which provides evidence-based dental training for dentists.

Dr. Shiva
Fun Facts
I have two fluffy Persian cats named Chico and Bella!
I enjoy planting and gardening.
I love doing yoga!

More About Dr. Shiva

Dr. Shiva enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She also loves to travel with her husband to new destinations and learn about different cultures.

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